Katie Kron is creator and visual art instructor whose work includes video, installation, sculpture, painting, mixed media, fiber arts, and ceramics.

Her current projects explore what it means to reconnect with oneself through emotion, play, and spirit. She is fascinated by the idea of MatrikaShakti, an ancient concept of pre-verbal processing, and how to incorporate this as a practice into art making. She uses this perspective to examine personal and universal aspects of identity such as the Feminine, Intuition, and Purpose through mixed-media painting.

Katie has a BA with Honors in Studio Art and a minor in Psychology. Her previous painting projects focused on identifying and appreciating beauty and capturing the personal transformation process through figurative, atmospheric, gestural pieces. Her past video and installation projects challenge the viewers’ perceptions and schemas, asking big questions in playful and overt formats.

Currently based out of Norfolk, VA, Katie is the studio manager at a pottery studio, a high school art teacher, and an instructor at a children’s process-based art studio.

special thanks and photo credit for current projects to Victor Jones and John Daniel Ray